HUDSON MUSEUM HISTORYThe first museum started in the basement of the Carnegie Library, shortly after its construction in 1904. Local families initially donated natural history and Civil War artifacts. Eventually, anything of historic value was given to the Library Museum.
By the late 1980's the State of Michigan linked library accreditation renewal to separation of museum space from library space. The former site of Thompson Savings Bank and M & S Sales Division was available, and Mr. Donald Murdock donated it to house the museum. The community welcomed the facility by donating about $45,000 to start an operating fund. The Murdock Foundation then continued its support by funding capital improvements to the historical structure. Thus, citizens from Hudson and surrounding communities have created one of the finest small town museums in the State of Michigan. To keep it that way, please consider a monetary donation to support our operating costs. The Hudson Area Historical Society is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. The museum is staffed by volunteers. |
1916 City Map from Lenawee County Atlas
Collection of artifacts for "The Way We Worked" exhibit